Turning Pointe Autism Center

Naperville, IL

Naperville ConstructionTurning Pointe Autism Foundation is a non-for-profit organization committed to improving the lives of all those affected by autism.
To provide a much-needed quality alternative for autism education and care, Turning Pointe is developing a state-of-the-art campus community featuring four key initiatives: a highly-specialized autism educational and vocational center, special needs recreation center, residences, and support services.

This community model provides a stable and nurturing environment that promotes growth and independence in all major life areas including community, expression, vocation, socialization, education, recreation, and life skills. Conversion/construction completion of two townhomes was the first phase to this plan. One townhome was converted into a multi floor school environment and the adjacent townhome utilized by patient family members, required fire sprinkler installation while tenants occupied the space. Requirements included modifications to comply with ADA, fire sprinkler upgrades and all interior finish improvements.

Project in BriefSpecial Educational Facility

Project Duration8 weeks

Budget $305,000

Size 4,000 SF

TeamNewman Architecture